What is NurturePA, Inc.?

NurturePA, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development in young children by pairing their moms with experienced and knowledgeable mentors who use text messaging to answer questions and provide helpful information, while offering support and encouragement throughout the child’s first few years of life.

How does the program work?

The Nurture® Program is about moms helping other moms. Through the use of technology, volunteer mentors are connected with moms who need a little extra support. Learn more.

Who is eligible to enroll?

If you are a mom of a newborn or expecting a baby soon and live in southwestern Pennsylvania, you are eligible to enroll with the Nurture® Program to text with a volunteer mentor who will support you as you nurture your baby.

At NurturePA, we know that children thrive when they experience a stable relationship with at least one consistent, responsive, and trusted caregiver. Oftentimes, that primary caregiver is the child’s mother, so our focus has always been on enhancing the relationship between moms and their babies, and we commonly describe our work in that context. However, we also understand that these parenting roles are not exclusive to female-identifying parents and we welcome and celebrate all gender identities and family dynamics in the program. We are happy and eager to support all parents who identify as the primary caregiver and as a source of trusted, consistent nurturing of a child.

Is there a cost to participate in the program?

There is no cost to the moms who enroll in the program for support.

Can parents meet their mentor or call them on the phone?

All mentoring is done through text messaging, so moms and mentors do not meet face to face or call each other.

Who are the mentors?

NurturePA mentors are women who are a little further along in their own parenting journey and want to give back to other women who are in an incredibly vulnerable and meaningful time in their lives. They are moms who remember the early years with their own little ones and understand how overwhelming, isolating, scary, and yet joyous becoming a new mother can be. Some of our mentors are young moms themselves with toddlers and preschoolers, while others are parents of teenagers and young adults, and others still are grandparents. The common denominator among all of our volunteers is MOTHERHOOD. Our volunteers are closely screened, receive robust training, and ongoing oversight and supervision from our Master’s level staff.

How often are mentors available?

Moms may text their mentor at any time. Mentors are asked to respond to moms within 24 hours; however, mentors are often able to respond much more quickly.

How long does a mentoring engagement typically last?

Our goal is to support moms and their babies for the first three years because birth to three is the most critical time for brain development, relationship building, and healthy habits to form. Of course, if a mom decides that she no longer needs or wants the support of a NurturePA mentor, she can discontinue the program at any time. Many of the moms who enroll in the program continue to receive support from a mentor for the full three years.

Can parents text their mentor in an emergency?

Moms may text their mentor to let them know they have an emergency situation. However, the Nurture® Program is not an emergency response program. In the event of an emergency situation, parents should call 911 for assistance.

Can I become a mentor?

All of our mentors are parents themselves who are willing to give at least one hour a week to help support moms. All mentors must have access to a computer or tablet and the internet. Click to apply to become a mentor.

How many parents do mentors typically support?

Each mentor is paired with 10-15 moms to support.

How much time does mentoring typically involve?

On average, mentors spend about 10 minutes per week with each mom they support. Because of the efficiency of the program, mentors are able to successfully support a number of moms in just 1-2 hours throughout the course of the week. Mentors are also able to adapt the work to fit their own schedule.

Do mentors have to use their personal mobile phone?

No, mentors do not have to use their personal mobile phone, nor do they have to provide their private phone number to the parents they support. Mentors use a program that enables them to easily send and receive text messages from a computer or tablet to help put moms in touch with the relevant information they need. Some mentors may wish to receive a text alert on their personal phone when they have a message from a mom in the system, however that is optional.

Why should I become a mentor?

Volunteering as a mentor is a great way to give back to the community without having to leave your home. Mentors can fulfill their role from anywhere they have access to a computer or tablet.

Can I refer parents to the program?

Yes, If she is a mom of a newborn or expecting a baby soon and lives in southwestern Pennsylvania, she is eligible to enroll with the Nurture® Program to text with a volunteer mentor who will support her as she nurtures her baby. She can click the enroll button to get started.

How can I support the Nurture® Program?

Mentors support the Nurture® Program by volunteering their time. Click to learn more about becoming a mentor.

You can also support the Nurture® Program by making a donation.
Make A Donation

You have questions. We have answers.

We understand the importance of trust, and we strive for the utmost transparency when it comes to our process, while maintaining absolute care for your privacy. Find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions here.

"I love the weekly support and activity ideas that NurturePA provides. Thank you for all you do!"
Sara, New Mom